
The Advantages of Airless Roof Spray Painting

roof painting
April 13, 2018

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In airless roof spray painting, the fast-moving high-pressure liquid stream provides the energy necessary to overcome the fluid’s viscosity (resistance to flow) and surface tension (a force that bonds the surface of a liquid together) to form a fine spray.

In the depiction of spray from a gun, high pressure forces fluid through a small nozzle (spray tip). The fluid emerges as a solid stream (sheet) at a high speed. When the solid stream hits the air, it becomes disrupted. This disruption breaks the fluid into fragments initially, then ultimately very small droplets that form the spray pattern.

Airless roof spray painting provides an easy and economical way to apply coatings.


Professional contractors prefer to use airless sprayers for several reasons, the most popular being:

  • Speed—Airless spraying is faster, thus, more jobs can be completed in less time, using less labour. Airless spraying is up to 10 times faster than brushing or rolling.
  • Quality—Airless sprayers produce an even coat of paint on all types of surfaces, leaving a consistent and high-quality finish.
  • Versatility—Airless sprayers can be used for a wide range of coating materials, including interior and exterior jobs, and can easily be transported from job site to job site.

Airless roof spray painting for Uniform Coverage

It is important to consider how much faster airless roof spray painting is compared to other methods. Equally important to your customer is how spraying gives a consistent quality finish, even over rough surfaces.
Airless spraying allows you to:

  • Finish jobs quicker – Finish within short weather windows – Stay on a job site from start to finish – saving set-up labour.
  • Provide a consistent mil build so coatings perform better
  • Apply a smooth quality finish


Key Components of an Airless Roof Spray Painting

 (A) Spray Tip

  • Controls the amount of fluid sprayed by using different orifice sizes.
  • Orifice shape determines the spray pattern.
  • Many Graco tips can be turned to the reverse position by hand to blow out clogs

(B) Motor & Drive System

  • A heavy-duty system that drives the pump

(C) Pressure Control

  • Used to regulate the fluid pressure delivered from the pump

(D) Pump

  • Also called the Fluid Section
  • Delivers a steady stream of high-pressure fluid through the hose to the spray gun

(E) Gun

  • Acts as the on/off valve for the material.


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